Cybersecurity Consultation You Can Understand, Solutions You Can Trust

You can't risk your business and reputation with poor cybersecurity. Understand the risks and protect yourself with trusted solutions that are tailored for you.

Train your team so that there is no weak link in your chain, and conduct your business with confidence.


Anti-Malware & Anti-Spyware

Ransomeware is the fastest growing malware; attacks continue to proliferate and threaten to deny you access to your own data. Malware that can control your device or server for abuse leads to reputation and material loss.

Spyware may not impede your activity but risks your business intel in the hands of competitors, as well as your security access which often leads to malware and identity theft.

We will help you select anti-malware and anti-spyware for your budget and needs.

Secure Email

Spam isn't just a nuisance, it consumes precious resources (digital services plus your time) and risks delivering a virus or malware. Phishing attacks can be automatically tailored for your business and cost you productivity, reputation, intel or identity theft.

Our custom anti-spam and anti-phishing filters are updated daily, including regular human review for false positives and false negatives. Combining global industry providers with custom filters for you based on your history and usage, your email security will get even stronger over time.

Email Security
Browsing Security

Browser & Network Security

With the majority of your workflow being in a browser, this is a common attack vector that must be secured. Be warned or prevented from accessing dangerous sites, and avoid unwanted ads and unsavoury content at the same time.

Automatic monitoring of your network traffic can further extend your protection, alerting you to direct attempts and the need to engage safety protocols.

Security Training

Don't let humans be the hole in your defence. One careless or unaware team member will instantly become the weakest link, even in the strongest of defences.

We can train staff in the use and updating of security tools and in the most important defence of all: using cybersecurity knowledge.

Train Your Brain(s)

Start your journey to cybersecurity today!

Ask us how we can help protect your business.