Secure hosting
We take security VERY seriously. For security reasons, we won’t tell you our methods, however, we will say that they are exceptional and have been rigorously tested. It’s true that the high level of security does come with a few trade-offs between safety and convenience, which leads to a few small compromises. We believe that server security is VERY important, that means sometimes there are unfortunately inconveniences (but only very minor ones) for security reasons. Let’s look at two examples:

1. Password Security
All system passwords on our servers, including email account passwords, must have a minimum security level of "extra high". Therefore, it's quite possible that your favourite password may not work, but that's a good thing, in the long run, since using a new and more secure password will protect you from hackers who use poorly protected accounts to send spam to everyone. Not good for your businesses reputation, we think you’d agree!
2. No FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
The normal way to upload files to your web servers is via FTP, using an FTP client like FileZilla, SmartFTP or CyberDuck. The problem with FTP is that your hosting password is sent over the internet as normal encrypted text and can be intercepted at various points before it reaches its destination. To stop that we only use SFTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol, which is the same encryption system used by banks. Why don’t all web servers do this? Because of a minor inconvenience, but with a major security improvement. We did mention those, remember?

Case Study: Email Aggregate (Yahoo!)
One of our clients gave their email password to Yahoo!; you know, as in the multi-billion-dollar global internet corporation that has been around since 1997. Our client thought it would be easier to use Yahoo! to check all their email accounts.
Unfortunately though, Yahoo! favours convenience over security, our clients Yahoo! email account was hacked and from there, spammers started using our server to send their spam.
Of course, and thankfully, it didn’t take long for our system to notify us and we closed the account, but it shows you the benefit of our level of security. We'll even send your passwords via SMS so we don’t have to send them to an insecure email account. (If you really want to combine all your email accounts, we will show you the safest way!)