Web Servers Based in Spain

Do you know where your website is hosted? You’d imagine that a domain ending in .es would be located in Spain, right? Actually, it can be hosted anywhere in the world, but is that really a good thing? Where should your website be located?
Why is it important?
Every time a potential client clicks on your website, a message ('request') is sent from one server to another until it reaches the hosting server. Your web server sends the data back ('response'), which may be a LOT of data (such as text, images, videos…).
If the potential client is in Spain and the webserver is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, there might be up to 6 servers and above between the client and your website. Each jump from server to server increases the total time it takes for your page to load, and clients hate waiting for this 'delay' every time they click! Worse still, they may get the error message "gateway timeout" or in other words, no page at all.
It makes more sense, with your website users in mind, to have your web server where most of your clients are.
How does this affect my SEO?
If you have already read about SEO you’ll know that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, or more accurately what’s good for users is good for SEO! Google favours fast-loading websites, which of course means that fast-loading websites rank higher for visitors' in the same country as the server.
Now, that doesn’t mean that you need a web server in every city, but you should ask yourself, where is the largest population? In the largest cities. And, where’s that? In Spain? In Madrid and Barcelona. Just where our web servers are, the best thing for SEO in Spain.
But I need people from all over the world to see my site!
And who doesn’t! Spain is a perfect place to host your website. It’s going to be viewable all over the world, and if the majority of your clients are from Spain, then really, there’s no better place to host your website. If your audience is, for example, in the United States, don't worry, we’ll host your site on our web server in the USA! We are as flexible as your audience!
How can I know where a web server is located?
It’s not as easy as you might think, it takes some detective work and could require some technical expertise. Ask us and we will happily find out for you! Sometimes IP to location is sufficient, but sometimes an IP is registered to Spain, but the webserver is actually in the US (where data centres and bandwidth are much cheaper and slower). Therefore, a traceroute might be needed as well and then the results will need to be interpreted. A ping test will usually give away an international server anyway (that's the 'lag') and a full website speed test will give an indication of the location and probably the performance speed of the server as well!
Where are Máxima Web's web servers located?
Most of our sites are hosted in a data centre located in Madrid, as it’s the fastest place to reach most of the population. But we host in other places around the world as well, so why not take a look at our web hosting rates.
What About Dedicated IP Addresses For SEO?
Yes, we can separate multiple sites onto dedicated IP addresses, and/or give your sites different C-block addresses - in fact, different A-block addresses, if you so desire. Anonymous Name Servers are also available, with full reverse DNS available for your domain and dedicated IP:
ns2.yourdomain.es and
zzz.yyy.xxx.www.in-addr.arpa domain name pointer yourdomain.es
We can also make sure your SOA record doesn't disclose your host or connect you to any other site!
Discover our CHEAP SEO HOSTING rates!
Just because your domain ends in .es does not mean that your website is hosted in Spain.
Find out how to see where your website is hosted. And then ask us about hosting on web servers in Spain for MAXIMUM speed and SEO.
Our SEO research audit will determine where your current website is hosted and perform benchmark speed tests for you.
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