Principles & Values: Growth
"Who Has Despised the Day of Small Beginnings?"
Patience is a free ingredient only the successful were willing to pay for. 'No pain, no gain' means 'the bigger they [tried to be], the harder they fall'! In a competitive world, 'all or nothing at all' almost always means nothing at all. We choose baby steps, then progressive goals and create steady growth.
"Watch the Clouds & Never Reap, Watch the Wind & Never Sow"
Investment requires risk. Digital business is like agricultural reapers & sowers: hastiness fails, but so does indecision. We can't wait for perfect circumstances, but the decisive investment pays.
"Plant Seeds All Day; Any Could Succeed, Maybe Even All"
Marketing is not a silver bullet, and discrimination cripples networking. However, consistent effort and an open mind bring opportunities that can't be planned, and results that pleasantly surprise.
"Use Speech Easily Understood or Speak to the Air"
Communication is the lifeblood of our team, working 24/7 across opposite time zones and serving clients in two languages. As a result, we insist on clarity, brevity & simplicity. Plus, our clients love geek-speak-free plain language!
"Eat, Drink and Enjoy Your Hard Work"
We work hard, but it would be pointless if we don't enjoy the work and enjoy the results. Máxima Web is a team that loves what they do, and loves doing it together.