Principles & Values: Pricing
"Equal Weights & Measures"
We detest inflated prices for any reason, but especially greed. Web development & marketing isn't a revenue-based tax. You should pay for what you get, and what you pay should allow you to profit.
"Give Overflowing Value; That is How Others Will Give Back"
We love to surprise you as you discover the value-packed into our service & products. Free updates? Yes. Generous & patient support? Yes. Plus features you didn't know you needed that you'll come to love.
"Use Wealth to Make Friends"
It's not what you think! This principle comes from an ancient story about a man that gave discounts when he could, and made great friends for the future. We love long-term business relationships!
"Lend to the Low"
Máxima Web looks to give a helping hand to those who need it. So take a monthly plan instead of upfront payment, and ask about our startup discounts!